Bunch of people came out to san francisco including kris from locked cog and henry ho. Had tons of fun riding with everyone before i start school next week.
Today has been one of the nicest day in san francisco in a while. its 12am and its a prefect 65 degrees. Day started off with cooking chorizo, eggs, and potatoes. then the door bell rang and my mash sag bag came! in one day. Thanks mike Took parts off my confused concept and put it on my confused broakland and went downtown to school. Ran into edsel after i got done paying for my classes. Rolled to the island, saw marcus' really cracked bruiser. After i took off with sean to meet up with erica, kirsty, and kenny to check out that little jazz thing they had at union square. Ate at lefty lefty o'douls which is bomb then layed out on union square to star gaze. Realy relaxing day today.
Yesterday and today combined. Yesterday night henry and vo came up to stockton so we hit up Effin Fridays. Kris (lockedCog) throws them every friday in sacramento at 9:30pm at 30th and J in the parking garage. I made a little stop motion kinda video from last night. Had tons of fun. Today kris (lockedcog) threw a mini alley cat and a trick comp. Had tons of fun. I actually entered and won second! Won some sweet prizes. Lights, shirt, and bottle. Not bad for two bucks to enter. Also went to the state fair, food was gruubbbbin. Oh yeah on another note, i forgot how much i hate to trick on randos espicially white ones :/